Monday, August 16, 2021

August Meeting-Affiliate Expo/Luncheon

Hi fellow Realtors and Affiliates,

I am excited about seeing you this Wednesday, Aug 18th (11:30 am - 1 pm) at the Gainesville Civic Center for our Annual Affiliate Expo. I am pleased to announce that our Beach Bash themed lunch will be prepared by Northwest Exterminating. I hope all Realtors will come out to visit our Affiliate booths, SUPPORT OUR AFFILIATES and thank them for their ongoing support. I am making an intentional effort to support and do business with the affiliates who support our Hall County Board of Realtors. I hope you will too.  If the people you do business with presently aren't members, please ask them to join us.  Here's a link for sharing with potential new affiliates. Our AE, Katie South, will be sending a Zoom link for those who prefer to attend virtually. The $5 we normally pay for lunch will go to support Tadmore Elementary.

Because we are seeing a new wave of Covid-19 in our area, we are strongly encouraging and asking you to wear face masks while not dining on Wednesday. I understand this compromises our wants and efforts to return to 'normalcy' of pre-pandemic and appreciate your grace and understanding during this challenging time.  


Our board supports Tadmore Elementary School annually.  In previous years, we sponsored and held a golf tournament.  This year, Mary Beth Alexander is leading up the efforts to raise funds for Tadmore Elementary with a 'One & Done' Fundraiser.  We are raising funds amongst our membership to support Tadmore Elementary, a Title I school in needs of our continued support. In years past, we have contributed to Tadmore a check for $10,000. I know that we will raise even more this year.  Here's the website if you want to share with your peers and friends: 
With the great year most of us are having, I trust that each of us will share in supporting that school and this fundraiser. You can bring a check made out to Hall County Board of Realtors notating 'Tadmore' or 


It will make you feel good, and it will do lots of good! Thank you, in advance.


Please mark your calendar for our next monthly luncheon in September.  Also, our annual Awards Banquet themed 'Boots & BarBQ' is October 21 at the New Gladys Wyatt Performing Arts Pavilion. I hope you'll plan on being there to celebrate not only accomplishments of 2020, but also the fact we can get together again. The popular band, Fly Betty, will be our entertainment. Thank you, Robin Gravitt for all your work in planning this event!  If you'd like to help with decorating, please let Robin Gravitt know.

New Gladys Wyant Performing Arts Pavilion

FREE Continuing Ed Sept 7th

Hall County Board of Realtor's Education chair Linda Thompson has done a fabulous job with lining up CE for us so far this year with more on tap. Take advantage of this upcoming class:

Livestream - "Making Green by Selling Green" with Linda Olson - 9 am - 12 pm
Click HERE for information on this class.
Register HERE


Amy Sutherland is heading up our Nominations Committee.  If you are interested in getting involved in the leadership of Hall County Board of Realtors, please submit a nomination form. Typically, volunteers start on a committee or as a Local Director.  The form will need to be completed and returned to Katie South at our board office by September 15.


You can still register for the 2021 GAR Annual Conference & Expo Aug 30 - Sept 3 at Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort with Herschel Walker as keynote speaker.  With lots of valuable continued ed, networking and camarader, you don't want to miss it.  I hope to see you there. Click here for more info.

Also, I want to remind you of all the resources available through the website at including monthly market date for each county in the state and competitive health insurance rates.

We are looking forward to seeing you Wednesday. Thank you for all you do!

All the best,

2021 President
Hall County Board of Realtors
Association Executive
615 Oak St. 
Gainesville GA